    I'm a higher order machine learning to learn...

When you are gone...!!

I loved you more than the words can say..

But I forgot to show it every day..

Now the days are gloomy, the nights are sad..

Where are the pleasantries I once had..

The lily n roses bloomed in the lawn..

I wonder where that serenity has gone..

The sky was beaming with hope and light..

Now the clouds of despair have obscured the sight..

I loved the care and tenderness you showed..

Now I am sulking...dejected and bored...

Why I have to go through all this..

When I was completely in bliss..

Why at all this happened...why you had to go...

I am so incomplete without you...didn't you know...

I thought everything was going fine...

But slowly the bond was losing its shine...

You were thinking I was getting indifferent and no longer care...

And I zeal to transcend - you will share...

You were thinking I am getting busier and don't have time for you...

And I thought...these tough days are just afew...

You were thinking I am not there when you need me much...

And I would feel the implicit touch...

You were thinking I always forget and get late...

And I would be a bit more patient and will wait...

You were thinking I was taking everything for granted...

And I'd understand what I really wanted...

You were thinking all your complaints are going in vain...

And I thought...things would be fine soon again...

"Two bodies, one soul" drifted further and further...

As if two strangers apprehensive of each other...

The sweet nothings gave way to sour arguments...

Bitter recriminations stole the cozy moments... decided to part...

I didn't know how to react...

You thought I'll stop you...

And I thought you'll stop on your own...

But that was not to be...

And the bridge that connected us was blown....

And we were stranded on our respective sides...

With bloated egos too stubborn to break the ice...

Now there's nothing left but to repent and repine...

Does it matter now...whose fault it was...yours or mine...??